Cristin Fritz

Over 40% of Tennessee Families With Children Say They Are Food Insecure; 70% Have Changed Spending on Food

This year’s Vanderbilt Child Health Poll shows that over 40% of Tennessee families report they are food insecure ― a similar proportion from last year. Most families (71%) say they have continued to change food spending habits due to high prices.

VUMC’s first Pursuit of Excellence Award winners include, from left, Johnny Woodard, MSN, RN-BC, Tiffany Lewis, MSN, RN, Kevin Harvey, BSN, RN VA-BC, Jarylin Bishop, BSN, RN, Randy Cox, MPH, CPPS, Phil Cook, MHA, Bill Wester, MD, MPH, Cristin Fritz, MD, MPH.

New award program celebrates improvement work across the VUMC enterprise

Winner’s of this year’s Quality, Safety and Risk Prevention Pursuit of Excellence Awards were recognized during a poster session and ceremony held recently in Langford Auditorium.

Poll shows food insecurity on rise in Tennessee

A newly released Vanderbilt poll found that an increasing number of Tennessee parents are reporting their families are food insecure.

Pediatric acute care use by ZIP code

Children with complex chronic conditions who live in low opportunity areas utilize more acute care and could benefit from hospital- and community-based interventions aimed at improving child health outcomes.