Dayani Center

Vanderbilt Voice Center’s Professional Voice Conference brings medical professionals and vocal athletes together

A Vanderbilt Voice Center conference will focus on wellness, readiness and resilience for vocal professionals and will touch on topics such as vocal hygiene, recovery after injury, allergies, surgery, respiration, life on the road, and more.

Mervyn Joseph traveled from South Africa to receive his lung transplant at Vanderbilt.

Patient journeys from South Africa for lung transplant

Mervyn Joseph, who searched the world over for the best place to be considered for lung transplant, is thankful he found Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

In his first six months at Vanderbilt’s Dayani Center, Eric Jarvis maneuvered a car crash, a tornado and a pandemic.

Through it all, his leadership has been a steadying influence for his 60-member team

Dayani now offers exercise consultations for cancer patients

The Vanderbilt Dayani Center for Health and Wellness is now offering exercise planning consultations for people with cancer diagnoses.

Tricia Burgess thought she had seasonal allergies. She actually needed a heart transplant.

“I didn’t even know I was sick. I’m thankful that Vanderbilt saved my life.”

Patient who was too sick to attend daughter’s graduation recovering after double lung transplant

Bridget Perez could barely walk a few steps. Now she’s walking laps at the Dayani Center track and marveling at how it feels to breathe again.