Department of Radiation Oncology

Surgeons target pancreatic cancer with electrons using new technology

Vanderbilt surgeons recently treated a pancreatic cancer patient using IntraOp Mobetron IORT with electrons — the first surgery performed in Tennessee with this new technology utilizing intraoperative radiotherapy in the operating room.

A VUMC study found that following up with patients within the week after their hospital discharge as a stand-alone intervention has no impact on readmissions, mortality or patient satisfaction.

Financial impact of prior authorization

Prior authorization — health insurer approval of a medical intervention prior to treatment — costs more than $40 million for U.S. academic radiation oncology practices, with questionable value added to patient care.

Total skin electron therapy offered in Spring Hill

A radiation therapy device for the treatment of a rare cancer has been designed, custom built and installed at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center at Maury Regional Spring Hill, offering patients from Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and southern Tennessee more convenient care.

Noninvasive treatment for refractory OCD, major depression shows promise for lifelong benefits

Four months ago, a multidisciplinary care team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center treated a patient with lifelong major depressive disorder (MDD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) — conditions that left her debilitated with intrusive thoughts, constant fear, suicidal intent and anorexia.

Shinohara named chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology

After serving as the department’s interim leader, Eric Shinohara, MD, MSCI, vice chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, has been named as the department’s chair.

New prostate cancer treatment concept

Combining immunotherapy and radiation therapy may be a powerful treatment approach for castration-resistant prostate cancer.