Discovery Grants

Brain circuits in schizophrenia

Vanderbilt psychiatrists are probing brain circuit hyperactivity implicated in schizophrenia, with the idea that normalizing the hyperactivity may improve cognitive processes.

White matter and schizophrenia

Patients with schizophrenia have functional changes in the white matter of the brain, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered, which may contribute to impaired working memory and processing speed.

VEI grants highlight patient-based vision research

Each year the Vanderbilt Eye Institute (VEI) sponsors a Discovery Grant program to highlight innovative research ideas initiated by its faculty.

Cancer Center Ambassadors surpass $1 million in grants

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Ambassadors surpassed the $1 million mark with the awarding of the group’s latest research grants.

Proposal deadlines are fast approaching for Discovery Grants and Research Scholar Grants

Proposal deadlines for Discovery Grants and Research Scholar Grants are coming up, with Discovery Grant proposals due Jan. 30 and Research Scholar Grant proposals due Feb. 6.

coffee cup with coffee stains on table

Coffee-ring diagnostic offers hope in poorest regions

Using the same mechanism that causes evaporating coffee to leave a ring behind, an interdisciplinary team of Vanderbilt researchers is designing a simple blood test to diagnose malaria in the developing world without electricity or special training.