Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Rene Gifford, PhD, works with patient Davy Hillis to program his cochlear implant.

Team to create customizable cochlear implant programming

A team of Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers has received a $3.1 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to develop advanced, patient-specific cochlear implant stimulation models for customized implant programming.

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‘Young Scientist’ showcases high schoolers’ research at Vanderbilt

High school students performing advanced research at Vanderbilt have the opportunity to share their findings with the scientific community through a journal of their own.

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Free symposium on autism, neuroscience and perceptual thinking

“Neuro-diverse: A Symposium on Autism, Neuroscience and Perceptual Thinking” and an associated evening lecture – both free and open to the public – will take place on the Vanderbilt campus Monday, May 23.

Vanderbilt University honors 20 as emeriti faculty

Twenty retiring faculty members were recognized during Vanderbilt’s Commencement ceremony May 9, when the university honored their years of service and bestowed on them the title of emeritus or emerita faculty.

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Vanderbilt Medicine: Robotics revolution

In the foreseeable future, robots will be sticking steerable needles in your brain to remove blood clots; capsule robots will be crawling up your colon as a painless replacement for the colonoscopy; and ultra-miniaturized snake robots will remove tumors from your bladder and other body cavities.

Faculty directors named for new College Halls

As Moore and Warren Colleges take shape at the corner of West End and 21st avenues, two award-winning faculty members have been named to lead the new residential colleges that are part of the College Halls at Vanderbilt system.