
Team explores diabetes drug’s ability to treat RSV infection

A drug used to treat diabetes may point to new therapies for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis — inflammation and obstruction of the lungs’ small airways. A multi-disciplinary team of Vanderbilt investigators has demonstrated that liraglutide reduces the inflammatory response to RSV infection in a mouse model of the disease.

white pills spilling out of a prescription bottle

Study reveals opioid patients face multiple barriers to treatment

In areas of the country disproportionately affected by the opioid crisis, treatment programs are less likely to accept patients paying through insurance of any type or accept pregnant women, a new Vanderbilt study found.

Transplant Center leads way in using hearts from hepatitis C donors

Medical teams at the Vanderbilt Transplant Center (VTC) are leading the way in utilization of hepatitis C-exposed donors for heart transplantation.

Nursing, Law students help seniors with advance care plans

Older adults who need advance care plans and health care/financial power of attorney documents can get them easily and free of charge thanks to a new interprofessional pilot project involving Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Vanderbilt Law School and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Vanderbilt thinkers come together for StrategyShare18

Jun. 28, 2018—A multidisciplinary cross section of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Vanderbilt University community gathered Tuesday during StrategyShare18, an interactive half-day event to share ideas, invite collaborations and spur new initiatives.

UDN team strives to solve challenging medical mysteries

Jun. 28, 2018—The anonymous man being discussed in a conference room at Vanderbilt University Medical Center used to be healthy and athletic, but has suffered from slow progressive muscle weakness for some time and now uses a wheelchair to get around.

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