featured research

two nuclear plant silos

Vanderbilt team examines human factors in nuclear power plant operations

A multidisciplinary Vanderbilt team with deep experience in improving patient safety and technology usability has received a three-year, $800,000 Department of Energy grant to help nuclear power plant operators better perform their jobs.

Improving breast cancer chemo by testing tumors in a dish

A team of biomedical engineers has developed a new “tumor-in-a-dish” technology that promises to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

staph colonies on red petri dish

Staph ‘gangs’ share nutrients during infection: study

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria can share resources to cause chronic infections, Vanderbilt investigators have discovered. The findings shed light on a long-standing question in infectious diseases and may inform new treatment strategies.

discarded clothing size tags

Lymphocyte study reveals obesity clues

Vanderbilt University researchers are closer to understanding the link between obesity, chronic inflammation and type 2 diabetes.

Robotic device attache to dummy patient

Brain surgery through the cheek

Vanderbilt engineers have developed a surgical robot designed to perform brain surgery by entering through the cheek instead of the skull.

Initiative seeks to develop therapies to combat Ebola

Vanderbilt University researchers have partnered with Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. to develop new human antibody therapies for people exposed to the deadly Ebola and Marburg viruses.

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