first responders

How to prepare for a medical emergency: A paramedic’s 10 things you need to know before the ambulance is on the way

Most people do not know what to expect when calling 911. Here is guidance from someone who knows.

Vanderbilt LifeFlight, first responders, honored with ‘Star of Life’ awards

Vanderbilt LifeFlight and its emergency service partners were recently honored with two awards as part of the Children’s Emergency Care Alliance annual Star of Life awards ceremony.

Study finds World Trade Center responders at higher risk for blood cancer-associated mutations

A study by Vanderbilt and New York City researchers found that 9/11 first responders to the World Trade Center have increased levels of mutations that escalate their risk for blood cancers or cardiovascular disease

The little boy was in the swimming pool, not breathing. Thanks to CPR, first responders and LifeFlight, he is fine.

It should have been a joyous day. It almost turned tragic.

The young woman was on the parking lot pavement without a pulse. A Vanderbilt nurse saved her life.

Keith Caldwell, a nurse at the Vanderbilt Health Clinic at Walgreens, called on years of experience to perform CPR until an ambulance arrived

It was a normal workday at Kroger. Then Charles Fisher almost died.

After his collapse, a team formed to save his life: coworkers and bystanders who knew CPR; first responders who used a defibrillator; and doctors and nurses at Vanderbilt