
Flu vaccination plan revised for all VUMC personnel

In an effort to protect both employees and patients at Vanderbilt University Medical Center from potential harm, the Medical Center is revising its influenza vaccination plan and mandating the influenza vaccine for all VUMC employees.

Flulapalooza is Oct. 1

Less than 10 seconds – that’s as long as it takes to roll up your sleeve and be part of Wednesday’s Flulapalooza, Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s mass flu vaccination event.

Enzyme holds the door for influenza

Compounds developed at Vanderbilt University may offer a new way to block influenza infection.

Flu boosts pneumococcal colonization

Influenza and parainfluenza infections – but not other respiratory viruses – increase the risk of acquiring pneumococcal bacteria, the most common cause of severe pneumonia.

Controversial info release aids VUMC bird flu research

Vanderbilt research shows that human antibodies to the natural strain of H5N1 also protected against a dangerous lab-created airborne strain developed several years ago by scientists in the Netherlands and at the University of Wisconsin.

Vanderbilt’s Flu Tool valuable resource for treatment decisions

As flu cases spike in Middle Tennessee, Vanderbilt University Medical Center would like to remind patients and staff about a valuable online resource for assessing the severity of flu symptoms — the Flu Tool.

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