Fred guengerich

array of test tubes with pipette dropping fluid into one

Guengerich, Sanders-Bush named ASPET fellows

Vanderbilt University’s F. Peter (Fred) Guengerich, PhD, and Elaine Sanders-Bush, PhD, are among 22 prominent scientists named this week to the inaugural class of fellows of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET).

Steroid binding to metabolic enzyme

Understanding how a steroid-metabolizing enzyme binds to its substrates may aid in designing drugs to treat sexual dysfunction as well as prostate cancer.

How the cell makes morphine

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered how mammals, including humans, produce the painkiller morphine.

Guengerich named interim editor of noted journal JBC

Vanderbilt University’s F. Peter (Fred) Guengerich, Ph.D., has been named interim editor-in-chief of the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC).

DNA sequence

VU ‘crosslinks’ study sheds light on chemical toxicity

Vanderbilt researchers have characterized the chemical structures of a series of DNA-protein “crosslinks” that may lead to better ways to avoid the cancer-causing potential of environmental chemicals and prevent some drug toxicities.

Awards given at Postdoctoral Research Symposium