Gary Solomon

Seminar focuses on latest concussion research

Neuropsychologist Gary Solomon, Ph.D., recently weighed in on one of the hottest debates in sports medicine, asserting that research doesn’t support the popular theory that concussions put athletes at higher risk for psychiatric illness.

Research shows youth sports hazing victims often in denial

The true incidence of hazing in youth sports is unknown because victims don’t report the mistreatment or fail to recognize it as hazing, according to a review of scientific literature on the subject by a team of Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers.

Age doesn’t impact concussion symptoms: study

Recent scientific findings have raised the fear that young athletes may fare worse after sustaining a sports-related concussion than older athletes.

Concussion expert says ‘when in doubt, sit them out’

Physicians at the Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Center urge coaches and parents to know the warning signs of a concussion and not let athletes return to play until they have been cleared by a health care professional.

Variety of strategies needed to evaluate concussion recovery

A new study of concussion in cheerleaders found neurocognitive testing was more accurate than an athlete’s symptom self-report when assessing recovery.

VU study shows no gender gap in sports concussions

A new study conducted to review symptoms and neurocognitive findings in male and female high school soccer players revealed no gender-related differences.