gastric cancer

Researcher works on protocols to implement screening for gastric cancer

A Vanderbilt gastroenterologist is helping lead an effort to establish screening guidelines for gastric cancer in the United States, where the number of people at risk for the cancer is increasing as the nation’s population becomes more diverse.

Powering H. pylori pathogenesis

Timothy Cover and colleagues report new insights into the sources of energy used by a bacterial “machine” linked to the pathogenesis of stomach cancer.

x-ray of stomach

VUMC study sheds light on gastric cancer development

VUMC researchers have created the world’s first laboratory model of precancerous changes in the lining of the stomach, a scientific tour de force that is helping to unlock the mysteries of gastric cancer development.

A step toward gastric cancer

New research findings provide insight into the detrimental events that develop in response to H. pylori infection.

Receptor’s role in stopping H. pylori

The immune receptor NOD1 may be a prime target for preventing or treating H. pylori infections — the most significant risk factor for stomach cancer, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Cancer prevention drug also disables H. pylori bacterium

A medicine currently being tested as a chemoprevention agent for multiple types of cancer has more than one trick in its bag when it comes to preventing stomach cancer, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

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