Hassane Mchaourab

Study explores how bacteria become drug resistant

Vanderbilt researchers have revealed more of the inner-workings of a two-stage “molecular motor” in the cell membrane that enables bacteria to become resistant to drugs.

Study details regulation of a multi-drug transporter

P-glycoprotein distinguishes between chemicals that it will expel from a cell and inhibitors that block its action.

New trans-institutional program to focus on genetic variations, disease

A new program at Vanderbilt will help researchers determine more precisely how genetic variations contribute to disease and what potentially can be done to put them right.

x-ray of cell showing cell bodies

Cellular stress defense

The modular architecture of small heat-shock proteins contributes to the ability of these proteins to aid cells in responding to stress.

Fueling the MATE transporter

Vanderbilt researchers used spectroscopy to understand how a drug transporter pumps drugs out of cells, findings that are important for developing novel anti-cancer and anti-bacterial drugs that can overcome drug resistance.


A cataract-heart connection

Studies of alpha-B crystallin in zebrafish could ultimately lead to improved treatment for cataracts and heart disease.

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