heart attack

Lenny Leedy

Speed, collaboration key in saving patient in midst of a heart attack

Lenny Leedy was attending a law enforcement conference in Nashville when he started experiencing symptoms of a heart attack. Today, Leedy is thankful the friend who offered to drive him to the hospital said, “We’re going to Vanderbilt.”

LifeFlight personnel train on advanced cardiac devices

Vanderbilt LifeFlight personnel recently received training on using advanced cardiac devices in transport settings, devices that were historically found only at hospitals like VUMC.

Sex & race & door-to-ECG time

More than a third of patients presenting at the emergency department with a suspected heart attack have a “delayed” ECG measure of heart function, with Black patients, females and non-English speakers more likely to experience delays.

Donna Atherton and Karen Pinkard are nurses who have worked together for years. The day Karen’s heart stopped at work, Donna was there to save her life.

A lot of people worked to save her life and help her recover. Thanks to them, Karen Pinkard is back at work.

Polymer protection for heart muscle

Vanderbilt researchers demonstrate that the polymer P188 has promise as a therapy to prevent reperfusion injury — the cellular damage that occurs when blood flow returns after an ischemic event like a heart attack.

Article examines need for genotyping after stenting

Genotyping can improve outcomes in patients who require anti-platelet therapy following stent placement to open narrowed or blocked coronary arteries and prevent a heart attack.

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