Insitute for Clinical and Translational Research

New awards honor contributions to translational research at VUMC

Two physician-scientist leaders at Vanderbilt University Medical Center were honored last week with newly created awards for helping to build and nurture Vanderbilt’s vibrant culture of clinical and translational research.

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Initiative speeds clinical trials contract negotiations

An initiative promoted by the Vanderbilt Institute of Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR) offers an opportunity to reduce by more than half the time it takes to negotiate clinical trial contracts.

Young children engage in physical activity in short spurts; preschoolers take 11 hours to attain daily exercise levels

Preschool-aged children require the majority of their waking day to achieve their recommended daily physical activity, a Vanderbilt study published in Obesity found.

Personal touch: Family’s story drives home impact of research

For 30 minutes Tuesday, Terry Marlin, father of two young boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, was the professor, telling his story to a group of Vanderbilt University graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Brain power

Protecting brainpower during radiation

Blocking a certain protein during radiation to treat brain cancers could protect the brain’s thinking powers.