Jing-Qiong Kang

Gene tied to childhood epilepsy

Data drawn from four unrelated patients with a childhood epilepsy syndrome — and from in vitro and in vivo studies — link novel variants in a GABA transporter gene to seizure activity, Vanderbilt researchers reported.

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Inflammation in genetic epilepsy

Brain inflammation links genetic and acquired epilepsy — providing new clues about epilepsy development and pointing to potential treatments.

Team discovers one more piece to the autism puzzle

Vanderbilt investigators have linked genetic mutations in a single receptor to epilepsy, autism and intellectual disability.

Asian baby girl getting temperature taken

Heat a trigger for seizures

Elevated body temperature alone can increase vulnerability to fever-induced seizures, even in the absence of infection or inflammation.

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Protein structure and epilepsy severity

Understanding how mutations affect the structure and function of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors will shed light on the mechanisms underlying some types of epilepsy.

Protein ‘clumping’ linked to severe form of genetic epilepsy

Researchers at Vanderbilt University for the first time have demonstrated in a mouse model that aggregation, the “clumping together” of abnormal proteins, can contribute to a severe form of genetic epilepsy.