John Pope

Pope named director of Division of Pediatric Urology

John Pope IV, MD, professor of Urologic Surgery and Pediatrics, has been named director of the Division of Pediatric Urology at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Malignant hyperthermia: rare but potentially serious problem for surgical patients

John and Valerie Longoria breathed a sigh of relief when the team lead by John C. Pope IV, M.D., professor of Urologic Surgery and Pediatrics, told them a minor procedure on their 8-month-old son Maverick had been successful, and they could soon take their son home to Oak Grove, Kentucky. But then, things quickly changed.

Device helps ease child’s overactive bladder burden

Until a year ago, Kate Lamons would slip into her mother’s classroom during school to change clothes, hopefully fast enough that she could return to her own class before anyone noticed that her clothes were wet from an overactive bladder.