Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

Stress may switch on bone “mets”

New findings could explain the link between chronic stress and reduced survival in women diagnosed with breast cancer, and could lead to new strategies to improve treatment outcomes.

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Plasmin prevents muscle ‘hardening’ after injury: study

Vanderbilt researchers have made the surprising discovery that the protease plasmin, known for its clot-busting role in the blood, protects soft tissue from turning to bone after severe injuries and certain orthopaedic surgeries.

Inner ear keeps bones strong

Alterations of the vestibular system – the part of our inner ear that controls balance – may contribute to bone loss related to both aging and space travel.

Bone healing therapy for NF1 fractures

A combination treatment delivered to the site of fractures may improve bone healing in patients with the genetic disease neurofibromatosis type-1.

Inner ear’s role in bone remodeling

The inner ear system that senses gravity and movement plays a role in bone remodeling – a finding that has clinical implications for space travel and for patients with inner ear disorders.

‘Longevity’ gene has role in bone loss

A gene associated with long life participates in the normal regulation of bone remodeling and may have a role in bone loss associated with aging.