Kathryn Dahir

Sharon Kantanie, center, participated in the study of a drug that reduced soft-tissue flare-ups and the prevented new areas of abnormal bone formation. With her are, from left, Emily Shardelow, clinical/translational research coordinator; Sharon’s parents, Mary and Stan Kantanie; Margo Black, MSN, manager of research projects for Metabolic Bone Disorders; and Kathryn Dahir, MD, professor of Endocrinology and Diabetes. (photo by Erin O. Smith)

Drug trial shows reduced abnormal bone formation in those with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

A Vanderbilt clinical trial evaluating the investigational drug garetosmab has shown that it reduced soft-tissue flare-ups significantly and prevented new areas of abnormal bone formation in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.

Diagnostic biomarker for bone disorder

A urine chemical performs better as a diagnostic biomarker for the soft bone disease hypophosphatasia than other laboratory measures, Vanderbilt researchers have demonstrated.

National XLH Day

Vanderbilt recently hosted the National XLH (X-linked hypophosphatemia) Day, and more than 200 patients and families attended.

Award winners and faculty pose for a photo before last week’s School of Medicine Spring Faculty Meeting.

Faculty awards honor teaching, clinical, research excellence

The 2022 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Academic Enterprise Awards for Excellence in Teaching, Extraordinary Performance of Clinical Service, and Outstanding Contributions to Research were presented April 29 during the annual spring faculty meeting.

Dahir receives grant to support study of rare metabolic disorder

Kathryn Dahir, M.D., associate professor of Medicine in the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism, recently received the Maher Family Grant from Soft Bones Inc., an organization dedicated to providing information, education and support to those affected by hypophosphatasia (HPP).