kennedy center

Researchers explore links between grammar, rhythm

A child’s ability to distinguish musical rhythm is related to his or her capacity for understanding grammar, according to a recent study from a researcher at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center.

reading instruction

‘White matter’ behaves differently in children with dyslexia

Trans-institutional neuroimaging research at Vanderbilt finds that the brain may be structured differently in children with dyslexia.

VKC debuts interdisciplinary research lecture series Sept. 3

The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center is launching is a new educational series that will focus on the complexities of conducting interdisciplinary research and clinical trials that involve behavioral, environmental and pharmaceutical interventions.

Sanders named TRIAD’s new medical director

Kevin Sanders, M.D., assistant professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, has been named medical director for the Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD).

One woman comforting another

Mothers of children with autism benefit from peer-led intervention: study

Peer-led interventions that target parental well-being can significantly reduce stress, depression and anxiety in mothers of children with disabilities.

Lifting Lives

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