Lana Howard

William Russell, MD, second from right, is the principal investigator for a study that uses a plasmid-based therapy to try to selectively desensitize the immune system in people with Type 1 diabetes. Shown here are, from left, Lana Howard, RN, CCRP; Brenna Hammel, RN, CPN; study participant Adam Brooks; Russell; and Robin Perkins, RN. Not pictured: Faith Brendle, RN, CPN, CCRP.

Trial participant steps up to help advance diabetes research

Vanderbilt is one of 16 North American sites conducting the Tolerance Using Plasmid in People with Type 1 Diabetes (TOPPLE) study, a phase 1 investigation that tests the safety and dosing of a new plasmid therapy.

The “orange team,” led by Buddy Creech, MD, director of the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program, assembles in the old Clinical Research Center space in Medical Center North on the first day of the phase 3 Moderna vaccine study this summer.

Coronavirus ‘crusaders’ spur VUMC research achievements

The development of the vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and antiviral drugs that ultimately will defeat COVID-19 wouldn’t have been possible had it not been for the unflagging and selfless efforts of a global army of research nurses, laboratory personnel, recruiters and other staff.

Lana Howard knocks down barriers to research at Clinical Research Center

“To actually see patients where the research changes the quality of their lives, that’s a huge success.”