Medical Center Finance

Rothman named Vice President and Executive Medical Director for VUMC Finance

Brian Rothman, MD, has been named to the newly created role of Vice President and Executive Medical Director for Vanderbilt University Medical Center Finance.

VUMC Finance website migration: bookmark the new address

The VUMC Office of Finance has a new website:

Karen Anne Pittman with some of the unclaimed property that patients have left behind at VUMC’s hospitals and clinics.

New policy outlines how patients’ belongings, valuables are handled

VUMC is in the process of implementing a new policy governing how the institution handles patients’ belongings and valuables.

Rothman named to new role of Medical Director for VUMC Revenue Cycle

Brian Rothman, MD, associate professor of Anesthesiology, Biomedical Informatics and Surgery, and medical director for Perioperative Informatics, has been named to the newly created position of Medical Director for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Revenue Cycle.

Netolicky named Vice President of Clinical Department Finance

Thomas Netolicky, CPA, MAc, has been named Vice President of Clinical Department Finance for Vanderbilt University Medical Center.