
Combo combats dizziness

Some patients may need a combo of medications to combat a condition that causes dizziness.

‘Detangler’ binds, bends and cuts DNA

New details on the DNA-cutting activity of topoisomerase II, a target of anti-cancer drugs, could lead to better chemotherapeutic agents.

Stem cells take heart

Signaling pathway discoveries suggest ways to induce stem cells to become cardiac muscle cells, which could be useful for regenerating damaged heart muscle.

Hall of Famer Raymond Berry sports Vanderbilt tie at Super Bowl XLVI

Hall of Famer plans to sport Vanderbilt tie while presenting Super Bowl trophy

Richard Powell

Digestive disease research bolstered by grant renewal

The Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Research Center celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with a second five-year renewal of its federal research grant.

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