Miriam Lense

Vanderbilt Music Cognition Lab hosts second annual open house

Have you ever wondered what science has to say about why music is important for health? You can find out at the Vanderbilt Music Cognition Lab’s second annual open house on Tuesday, Aug. 15.

Silas LaCagnin gazes at his mother, Ansley LaCagnin, while she sings to him.

Study finds sensitivity to musical rhythm supports social development in infants

A new study shows engaging infants with a song provides a ready-made means for supporting social development and interaction.

Virtual study of stress in parents of children with developmental disabilities seeks participants

Otolaryngology researchers from the Music Cognition Lab are seeking to recruit parents of children with developmental disabilities for a study about the connection between mindfulness, music and stress levels. 

At home with children? Have fun and get creative with this music toolkit.

“Musical activities can also support one of the most critical social relationships: that between a parent and child.”

A study participant at Emory University School of Medicine watches a video while an eye tracker records when and where she looks at the screen.

Autism study tracks musical rhythm as possible treatment

Researchers are partnering to study musical rhythm synchronization as a part of social development and how it’s disrupted in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in hopes of developing music interventions for improving social communication.

Music, Mind and Society program growing fast

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has designated the Program for Music, Mind and Society at Vanderbilt as a 2018 National Endowment for the Arts Research Lab for its focus on the arts, health and socio-emotional well-being in families of children with and without autism spectrum disorder.