Molecular Physiology & Biophysics

puzzel pieces, autism

Altered dopamine signaling may offer a clue to autism

Newly discovered genetic variations linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) disrupt the function of the dopamine transporter, suggesting that altered dopamine signaling contributes to this common developmental condition, according to a Vanderbilt University-led research team.

obesity or overweight belly

New signaling pathway provides clues to obesity

A Vanderbilt University-led research team has discovered a molecular “rheostat” in the brain’s appetite control center that may provide new insights into obesity, which is at epidemic levels in this country.

Neuert receives New Innovator Award from NIH

Vanderbilt University biophysicist Gregor Neuert, Ph.D., M.Eng., is among 50 recipients of the 2014 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award. Each award provides up to $1.5 million in direct research support over five years.


Team spots key regulator for cholesterol production

A Vanderbilt University-led research team has discovered a “master regulator” for cholesterol production and transport in the liver — a tiny piece of RNA called microRNA-223.

colorful x-ray of brain

Team takes 4-D look at brain receptor’s role

Reporting last week in the journal Cell, researchers from Oregon Health and Science University, Harvard Medical School and Vanderbilt University describe the first “four-dimensional” picture of a brain receptor that plays a key role in learning and memory.

hamburger and fries

Vanderbilt study supports notion ‘You are what you eat’

An international research group led by Vanderbilt University scientists has shown for the first time that a lipid, or fat molecule, can regulate “psychostimulant” behaviors by interacting with a brain protein.

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