
Self check-in, centralized welcome desks prove beneficial to both staff and patients

Vanderbilt Health adult ambulatory clinics began providing self check-in for appointments in late summer 2023, and the process has proven beneficial to both patients and staff.  

Messaging changes benefit both providers and patients

Vanderbilt University Medical Center has just rolled out changes to streamline and better manage messaging between patients and their care providers.

Survey finds patients value immediate access to test results

A survey sent to more than 43,000 patients living in several states around the country finds that 96% of patients who use patient web portals prefer immediate online access to their clinical test results.

OpenNotes gives patients full access to clinician notes

Patients who receive treatment at three VUMC clinics were recently given full access to their clinicians’ notes in their electronic medical records as part of an OpenNotes pilot.

Upgrade to bring enhanced features, functionality to eStar

In the early morning hours of April 7, eStar, the Epic-based electronic health record (EHR) at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, will undergo its first major upgrade since the system went live in a coordinated “Big Bang” across most of the Medical Center in November 2017.

Sorting patient messages automatically

Automated techniques can assist in understanding and managing growing volumes of messages sent through secure patient portals, Vanderbilt researchers found.