A pain in the … genes

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered that variation in the gene encoding the potassium channel GIRK1 plays a role in modulating human pain perception.

Cancer drug enhances cognition

The breast cancer drug tamoxifen improves cognitive performance in post-menopausal women.

Autism narrows brain’s reward response

MRI brain scans reveal that children with autism spectrum disorders respond to a narrower range of familiar rewards.

Neurotransmitter’s role in bone balance

Removal of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine from the space outside cells plays an important role in the regulation of bone remodeling.

Tool predicts risk for developmental delays in early childhood

A non-invasive measure of electrical brain activity in preterm infants predicts cognitive and communication functioning during early childhood, according to a new Vanderbilt University study.

Overcoming resistance in ovarian cancer

The nuclear receptor TR3 contributes to ovarian cancer cell death in response to platinum-based chemotherapy – and may be a good target for overcoming cell resistance to certain treatments.

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