New breast cancer targets

A special genetic analysis has revealed candidate genes associated with increased risk of breast cancer.

Toxin floats on lipid rafts

The bacterium H. pylori is a leading cause of stomach cancer, and Vanderbilt researchers are studying how one of its toxins gets into cells.

Disease-fighting antibody production

New research links nutrient-responsive cellular signaling to the antibody-mediated immune response.

How the skin protects

Treatments for common skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis may be improved by understanding the enzymes responsible for forming the skin’s water-tight barrier.

“Idling” cancer cells may return

Vanderbilt investigators have discovered that cancer treatment induces an “idling” state for cells, which could promote resistance to treatment.

mitochondria dna image

Mitochondrial mutations and disease

New findings suggest that oxidative stress damages mitochondrial DNA, and they link this damage to a disease state.

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