Treatment window for genetic disorder

Treatment with a drug used to prevent organ rejection partially reverses the course of tuberous sclerosis, research in mice suggests.

Drugs reverse lung cancer cell changes

Drugs that target “epigenetic” changes may help treat or slow the progression of lung cancer.

Protein repairs esophageal DNA damage

A protein involved in repairing DNA damage associated with gastric reflux may play a tumor suppressor role in the esophagus and could represent a target for therapies to combat esophageal cancer.

Alcohol’s molecular mediators

Therapeutic agents focusing on the brain region involved in stress-induced relapse may be effective in preventing relapse in patients with alcohol use disorders.

Studies shed new light on how nitric oxide is produced

The discovery of a previously unrecognized and pivotal role of enzyme ASL in nitric oxide production could potentially lead to new therapies for babies with pulmonary hypertension.

Richard Powell

Digestive disease research bolstered by grant renewal

The Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Research Center celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with a second five-year renewal of its federal research grant.

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