New player in neuronal communication

Vanderbilt researchers have discovered a novel mechanism for the development of dendritic spines – sites of nerve cell communication.

New view of dopamine heteromers

Although heteromeric dopamine receptors composed of both D1 and D2 subunits have been proposed to play a role in depression and schizophrenia, recent studies suggest these heteromers do not exist.

Cognitive changes in ‘standing’ syndrome

Patients with orthostatic intolerance – problems when standing – have cognitive changes, even when seated, compared to healthy individuals.

New tools to probe manganese biology

Vanderbilt researchers have developed tools to probe the role of the essential metal manganese in neurons, and which offer a started point for developing therapeutic agents for manganese-related neurological disorders.

Schizophrenia ‘switches’ discovered

Drugs developed at Vanderbilt could provide a new way to treat schizophrenia in a personalized way.

Enzyme holds the door for influenza

Compounds developed at Vanderbilt University may offer a new way to block influenza infection.

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