Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

The team studying smell and taste loss associated with COVID-19 includes, from left, Rakesh Chandra, MD, Justin Turner, MD, Timothy Trone, MD, and Nikita Chapurin, MD, MHS.

Study tracks smell, taste loss associated with COVID

Vanderbilt researchers are studying ways to better evaluate and predict who is at risk of persistent smell and taste loss after COVID-19 infection.

Medical diagnoses in musicians

Vanderbilt researchers mined electronic health records to find medical diagnoses that are more or less prevalent among musicians, who are present in large numbers in “Music City.”

Haynes named interim chair of Otolaryngology

David Haynes, MD, has been named interim chair of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS) effective July 1. He will serve in this role until Eben Rosenthal, MD, the John and Ann Doerr Medical Director and associate director of Clinical Care with Stanford Cancer Center, joins Vanderbilt University Medical Center as the department’s next chair on Oct. 11.

O’Malley named to key Outpatient Referral Assistance role

Mathew O’Malley, MD, assistant professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, has been named associate medical director for Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Office of Outpatient Referral Assistance (OORA).

Labadie named chair of Otolaryngology at MUSC

Robert Labadie, MD, PhD, professor of Otolaryngology and Biomedical Engineering, has been named professor and chair of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) College of Medicine in Charleston, South Carolina.

Stanford’s Eben Rosenthal named to lead VUMC’s Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Following a national search, Eben Rosenthal, MD, the John and Ann Doerr Medical Director and Associate Director of Clinical Care with Stanford Cancer Center, will join Vanderbilt University Medical Center Oct. 11 as chair of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS).

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