pathology microbiology and immunology

Probing intestinal immune cell roles

A new in vitro system will allow investigators to explore how immune system T cells develop specialized functions.

Correa honored by gastroenterological society

The American Gastroentero-logical Association (AGA) has honored Pelayo Correa, M.D., with its Distinguished Achievement Award, which recognizes an individual for contributions to research that have advanced the science and practice of gastroenterology.

Factor’s yin-yang tumor effects

A factor produced by most malignant cells can both promote and inhibit tumor growth – an insight that is critical to using cancer drugs developed to block this factor.

Vanderbilt to host seventh international conference on tetraspanin scaffolding

Salt revs stomach bug’s cancer impact

A high-salt diet worsens the carcinogenic effects of Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that colonizes the stomachs of half of the world’s population.

Taking the ‘noise’ out of protein data

Vanderbilt researchers have developed a novel algorithm to improve results from proteomic studies.

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