pathology microbiology and immunology

Zinc: a new antibiotic target?

It may be possible to fight hospital-acquired pathogens like Acinetobacter baumannii by targeting the bacterium’s need for the nutrient metal zinc.

Breast milk blocks virus binding

Components of human breast milk help ward off viral infection, a new study shows.

Study tracks antioxidants’ role in prostate tumor growth

Antioxidants promote cell growth in a mouse model of prostate cancer, Vanderbilt researchers report in the journal PLoS ONE. The findings provide insight into the recent controversy regarding antioxidants and prostate cancer prevention.

Bacterial signals in sarcoidosis

Study adds evidence for infectious agents’ role in sarcoidosis, an inflammatory condition that can lead to respiratory failure and death.

Protein’s length, flexibility key to infection

The structural architecture of the reovirus attachment protein is required for efficient reovirus infection of host cells.

More gene links to breast cancer risk

Two newly identified gene variants linked to breast cancer may aid in predicting disease risk and targeting screening and prevention strategies.

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