Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

Study sheds light on drug’s impact on diabetes progression

A Vanderbilt study of a treatment to delay the development of Type 1 diabetes in individuals at high risk did not meet the study goals of delaying progression from normal glucose tolerance to abnormal glucose tolerance or clinical diagnosis, although the study drug, abatacept, impacted immune response and preserved insulin production during the one-year treatment period.

When half of their six children were diagnosed with what was then believed to be Type 1 diabetes, David and Ellen Pursell decided their family would participate in research related to the health condition. This family photo from several years ago includes, seated, from left, Peggy, Ramsey and Chrissy. Standing, from left, are Vaughan, Ellen, Martin, David and Parker.

Family’s participation key to advancing diabetes research

A study of one family from Alabama has led Vanderbilt researchers to discover that insulin deficiency, independent of the autoimmunity associated with Type 1 diabetes, is the principal factor leading to a markedly smaller pancreas.