postoperative care

Damage, disruption, delirium

New findings suggest that treatments that decrease oxidative damage might help with postoperative delirium that occurs in up to 30% of cardiac surgery patients.

Image of pain pills (iStock Photo)

Reducing postoperative opioids

An opioid-restrictive prescribing protocol reduced the number of postoperative opioid prescriptions and the oral morphine equivalent per prescription.

gloved hand handling sterile surgical tools

Post-surgical complications

One out of five deaths within 30 days of surgery are associated with a complication, suggesting that prevention and better treatment of common complications will improve postoperative mortality rates.

Initiative seeks better post-op care coordination

The Transition Management Office at Vanderbilt University Medical Center holds to the principle that every patient should know what will happen next in his or her care, when it will happen, who will be involved and what the costs will be.