Reporter April 25 2014

VICC debuts novel neuroendocrine tumor treatment

A retired elementary school principal has become the first patient at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center to receive an investigational cancer therapy for the treatment of his neuroendocrine tumor.

Event honors lives of those impacted by organ donation

When Renee Coats retrieved a packet from her mailbox she was not sure how to feel.

VICC research takes center stage at national meeting

Research led by Joan Garrett, Ph.D., research instructor in Hematology/Oncology, reveals a molecular mechanism that may explain why some forms of breast cancer become resistant to therapy.

New view of neurotransmitter transport

Dynamic measurements of the bacterial leucine transporter shed light on the transporters that play roles in neuropsychiatric and addiction disorders.

Vanderbilt participates in national study of group prenatal care

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