Reporter Aug 10 2012

African ancestry, stomach bug link

Socioeconomic factors, African ancestry linked to risk for cancer-causing infection.

Flu Tool guides patient decision-making

Studies of Flu Tool, a computer application that guides health care decision-making, suggests that patients are willing to use these types of resources.

Key to a woman’s heart (condition)?

Females may be at higher risk of potentially fatal heart condition due to gender differences in a protein involved in the heart’s electrical activity.


New therapeutic target for cold, flu viruses identified

Viruses that cause acute respiratory infections — such as human metapneumovirus (HMPV) and flu — impair a set of immune system cells that should clear the virus from the lungs.
Now, Vanderbilt University investigators have discovered the signaling pathway that disables these immune cells.

Study tracks how gene may promote lung cancer tumors

Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center researchers have identified how one of the genes most commonly mutated in lung cancer may promote such tumors.

Time was critical for new mother’s heart surgery

Two weeks after giving birth to her second child on July 10, 31-year-old Samantha Neal began to experience chest pain. Initially diagnosed with a gall bladder issue in her local ER, her true diagnosis would prove much more serious and potentially life-threatening.

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