Reporter Feb 19 2016

Sustainable agriculture’s impact

Duke University’s Norman Wirzba, Ph.D., left, talks with Vanderbilt’s Douglas Heimburger, M.D., M.S., following Wirzba’s recent lecture on the importance of sustainable agriculture and its impact on population health.

International Scholarship Program research symposium set for Feb. 26

The Vanderbilt International Scholarship Program (VISP) is sponsoring a symposium of biomedical research from 9:10 a.m. to noon Friday, Feb. 26, in room 208 Light Hall.

In 1991, Julie Damon became the first person to receive a liver transplant at VUMC.

Liver transplant program celebrates 25 years of care

Twenty-five years ago, Julie Damon’s family was preparing to say their goodbyes. Comatose and on life support at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) with liver failure, the options for the 45-year-old wife and mother of two were slipping away.

Study leads to new heart transplant decision support tool

Because donor organs are scarce, understanding the mortality risk associated with heart transplantation is an important consideration when evaluating patients for transplant.

Creative writing class helps cope with cancer

Receiving a cancer diagnosis and undergoing treatment can be an emotional experience for patients, and their families, friends and caregivers are also affected by the experience. Creative writing can provide an outlet to express and share those strong emotions.

Junior League of Nashville commits $1.5 million to Children’s Hospital

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