Reporter Jan 13 2017

Diet? Exercise? Sleep? Vanderbilt study identifies best immediate changes for long-term health benefits

The project began with a question — among a list of 10 lifestyle behaviors, any of which a person can change immediately, which ones have the most impact on health?

Vigil Volunteers program expanding to Medical ICU

After a successful 2016 pilot in the 16-bed Palliative Care Unit, the Vanderbilt Vigil Volunteers (V3) program — which pairs a volunteer with dying patients who either have no known family or friends, or whose family and friends are unable to be with them — is expanding into the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) in early 2017.

Lindsley’s drug discovery efforts land ASPET Award

Craig Lindsley, Ph.D., a leader of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine’s groundbreaking drug discovery program, is the 2017 recipient of the Pharmacia-ASPET Award in Experimental Therapeutics from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET).

Morton to help lead blood disorders treatment efforts

Colleen Morton, M.D., has joined Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) as section chief of Classical Hematology, a specialty also known as “benign hematology” because it covers all blood disorders that are not cancer.

Denny named to list of top experts in health information technology

Joshua Denny, M.D., M.S., professor of Biomedical Informatics and associate professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt, has been named to an annual list of the 50 leading experts in health care information technology by Health Data Management, a trade news publication.

Team’s discovery offers new insight on lung cancer risk

Researchers in the Schools of Medicine and Engineering at Vanderbilt University have discovered a proteomic “signature” from the airways of heavy smokers that could lead to better risk assessment and perhaps new ways to stop lung cancer before it starts.

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