Reporter Jan 14 2022

Ensuring the “best possible” medication history

About 80% of hospital admission electronic records were missing a drug prescribed to an older adult, Vanderbilt researchers found, highlighting the need for a multipronged approach to address medication discrepancies and support safe prescribing practices.

H. pylori, lipid loss and stomach cancer

H. pylori infection — a strong risk factor for stomach cancer — changes the composition of stomach lipids, which could offer new biomarkers for detecting premalignant changes, Vanderbilt researchers discovered.

The role of integrins in kidney “integrity”

Receptors called integrins play a critical role in maintaining the structure of the kidney, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered.

Salmonella overcomes host resistance

The invading pathogen Salmonella, a common cause of food poisoning, can change its metabolism to overcome host resistance to its colonization.

Patient Veronica Llamas-Barajas (light gray shirt) with members of her care team, from left, Casey West, MSN, ANP-BC, Sandip Zalawadiya, MBBS, Jessica Hassler, RN, Wendy Tarpley, RN, and Wayne English, MD.

Bariatric surgery gave LVAD patient second chance at life

Veronica Llamas-Barajas is the first LVAD patient at Vanderbilt to undergo bariatric surgery.

Study seeks to refine head and neck cancer treatment options