Reporter Jan 24 2014

Is healthy obesity possible?

It might be possible to generate a “metabolically healthy” state of obesity by targeting signaling pathways that improve insulin sensitivity.

Math models to aid voice disorders

A new computational model of the interactions between vocal folds and the air around them could aid in designing new treatments for voice disorders.

Probing mysteries of preterm birth

Understanding the relationship between the thinning and rupture of fetal membranes and the presence of bacteria could lead to treatment and prevention strategies for premature birth.

New IT platform for medical learning management debuts

Recent sweeping changes to undergraduate medical education at Vanderbilt are intended to produce physicians who are better attuned to teamwork and more accustomed to leading teams to improve clinical outcomes, quality and patient safety.

Colleen Niswender

Autism Speaks grant boosts Rett syndrome research

Colleen Niswender, Ph.D., research associate professor of Pharmacology, has received a three-year, $450,000 grant from the autism science and advocacy organization Autism Speaks to support studies investigating a possible new treatment for Rett syndrome.

Adams named to new VUSN community engagement post

Susie Adams, Ph.D., R.N., has been named to the newly created position of Nursing Faculty Scholar for Community Engaged Behavioral Health at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing.

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