Reporter May 5 2017

Bradley University lauds Dewey’s achievements

Charlene Dewey, M.D., professor of Medical Education and Adminstration, has been named to receive the 2017 Orville Nothdurft Lifetime Achievement Award from the athletic department at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.

L-r: Provost Susan R. Wente, Amy-Jill Levine, Sharon Weiss, Cynthia Reinhart-King, Michael King, Douglas Schmidt, Gautam Biswas, Dale Andrews, Joy Calico, Elizabeth Zechmeister, Rixwan Hamid and Alan Wiseman. (John Russell/Vanderbilt)

Celebration honors 11 endowed chair holders

The extraordinary academic achievements of 11 faculty members named to endowed chairs were recognized during a celebration April 27 at the Student Life Center.

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