Reporter Nov 22 2013

Photo: Cancer survivorship celebration

More than 650 cancer survivors, family members and cancer health care providers attended Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center’s Cancer Survivorship Celebration earlier this month during a special evening dinner and concert at the Loveless Barn in Nashville.

Clinic helps patients cope with Huntington’s disease

Melissa Darnall could easily look around her family reunions and pick out who had Huntington’s disease (HD). The genetic disorder had affected four of her five aunts and uncles and her father, and the balance problems and shakiness typical of HD were readily apparent in those siblings.

Summit explores future of health education system

More than 50 health education professionals and students gathered for a daylong summit at Vanderbilt University Medical Center to explore interprofessional collaboration efforts to meet the growing needs of today’s health care delivery system.

Research contributions of VUMC nurses highlighted

Nursing research and evidence-based practice at Vanderbilt University Medical Center was on full display Nov. 13 at the annual Nursing Research Day.

Children’s Hospital after-hours clinic in Hendersonville debuts

Care is closer at hand for children who need it, when they need it, now that the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt has opened a second after-hours clinic in Hendersonville, Tenn.

AlertVU desktop alert program expanded

The AlertVU desktop alert program was recently expanded to include more than 6,300 clinical workstations at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

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