Reporter Oct 29 2021

Shifts in neuroendocrine cancer clinical trial design

Clinical trials that focus on specific types of neuroendocrine neoplasms — heterogeneous tumors that can occur anywhere in the body — will be more likely to enhance drug development for these tumors, Vanderbilt physicians assert.

Breast cancer survivors: eat nuts

Breast cancer survivors who reported eating nuts regularly had 50% reduced risk of breast cancer recurrence, metastasis or mortality, Vanderbilt epidemiologists found in Shanghai Breast Cancer Survival Study.

HCV infection among pregnant women increasing

Tips for a spooky and safe Halloween

Vanderbilt experts offer multiple tips to help keep trick or treaters safe this Halloween.

Pancreatic beta-cell booster

Blocking inflammatory signaling improves beta-cell characteristics in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes and may provide added benefits to GLP-1R diabetes medications.

The challenge of rejection

Minimizing variation in how rejection is diagnosed and creating standardized surveillance protocols may help inform best practices in pediatric heart transplants.

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