Reporter Oct 5 2012

(Vanderbilt University)

Flulapalooza event set for Oct. 17, 18

Vanderbilt University and Medical Center faculty, staff, students and volunteers will once again have the opportunity to be part of a mass flu vaccination plan that last year more than doubled the current world record for the total number of vaccinations given in an eight-hour period.

Amish aid search for Alzheimer’s genes

An analysis of Amish populations revealed novel risk genes for late-onset Alzheimer disease.

Complementary and alternative medicine use differs by race, economics

Use of complementary and alternative medicine differs by race and socioeconomic factors, study reports.

Host proteins can control HIV infection

The protein APOBEC3G contributes to spontaneous control of HIV-1 in vivo and may provide therapeutic benefits.

PREDICT helps pinpoint right statin for patient

When O.T. Hayes, 67, of Lebanon, Tenn., first starting seeing his cardiologist, David Hansen, M.D., for treatment of his coronary artery disease, it was hard to predict which of the various medications available would help control Haynes’ high cholesterol.


Guidelines prompt reminders to offer immunization to inpatients

With the start of flu season, health care providers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center are receiving more automated reminders to offer immunization to hospitalized patients.

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