Reporter Sept 7 2012

Cells with LIP eat their neighbors

A transcription factor called LIP is capable of causing one cell to consume another.


Enzyme counters stomach acid attack

Dysfunction or loss of an “antioxidant” enzyme may lead to higher risk for esophageal cancer in patients with gastric reflux disease.

Parkinson’s therapy may impact language

Deep brain stimulation used to treat Parkinson’s disease may impair some aspects of language processing, a recent study suggests.

ROUNDS: A message from the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs

The goal of this column is to dialogue with you in a meaningful way, about both the present and what we see in our future.

Study tracks hormone’s role in reducing preterm birth risk

Pregnant women who have had prior preterm births may avoid a subsequent early birth if given progestogens, which are natural or synthetic forms of progesterone, a female hormone that naturally increases during pregnancy, a Vanderbilt analysis shows.

Rush sees bright future ahead for Pediatrics

Meg Rush, M.D., called upon the Department of Pediatrics’ faculty, trainees and staff to ‘be the change’ they wish to see in the future of pediatric health care at Vanderbilt and in our region.

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