robotic surgery

The newly renovated operating room 12 at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt is primarily used for cardiac surgery. (photo by Susan Urmy)

Renovated pediatric operating rooms enhance state-of-the-art surgical care

Augmented lighting on easy-to-move booms, enhanced imaging that automatically loads into patients’ medical records, and cameras with live feeds to a control room are just a few examples of the newly renovated operating rooms at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Bots boost liver cancer outcome

Vanderbilt researchers report that robotic-assisted surgery is comparable, if not superior, to laparoscopic surgery for early-stage liver cancer patients.

A new robot with a flexible camera and three different surgical instruments will allow more targeted surgeries for patients with head and neck cancers.

New robot enhances accuracy of head, neck cancer surgeries

Patient Keith Sanford, center, had a shorter hospital stay and did not take any prescription pain medications after Joseph Broucek, MD, and Meredith Duke, MD, performed a minimally invasive, robot-assisted abdominal hernia repair.

Robot-assisted hernia repair eases recovery for some

Vanderbilt surgeons are performing robot-assisted hernia repairs for some patients that help ease recovery.

New robot expands options for thoracic surgery patients

The thoracic surgery team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center recently added a new tool to its collection of minimally invasive techniques to provide patients the most advanced robotic-assisted surgical procedures.

New technique eases gallbladder surgery for children

Golf ball-sized gallstones camped out in Joseph Gray’s gallbladder had been causing him stomach discomfort for months.