
Jeff Balser

Rounds: A message from the President and CEO of VUMC

I am relieved that the recent mumps outbreak here at Vanderbilt impacted only a small number of our students, as larger outbreaks over the past year in locations around the U.S. have been a cause for concern. The notice reminded me of the importance of vaccination, and the vital role our Medical Center plays in public safety. And it caused me to think about how fragile that safety can be, and what we can do to assure it.

Rounds: A message from the President and CEO of VUMC

I write to thank you for your incredible dedication to our missions, for so many wonderful accomplishments in 2016 and to share some aspirations for 2017 and beyond.

Rounds: A message from the President and CEO of VUMC

Acts of horrific violence surrounding issues of race, religion, and sexual orientation seem to be happening weekly. How are we, as a medical center and as individuals, experiencing these events?

Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D.

Rounds: A message from the President and CEO of VUMC

When we made the announcement in late 2014 that Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center would become separate legal and financial entities, there were of course many questions. We’ve done our best to answer those questions, and many more, and to keep everyone informed as we’ve worked to make this reorganization largely a “non-event” for as many of our people as possible.

Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs

As the heat of summer fades away and we welcome the cooler days of autumn, I write to share thoughts about our work together in the coming days.

Rounds: A message from the Vice Chancellor for health Affairs

As we begin 2015, many at VUMC would say they have experienced more change in the last year than at any time in their careers.

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