School of Medicine

Noted VUSM alum Robert Heimburger dies at 97

Robert F. Heimburger, M.D., a member of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine class of 1943, died June 9. He was 97.


Research at U.S. academic medical centers faces threats to sustainable support

Unstable federal research funding and reductions in health care revenue for academic medical centers threatens to undermine the nation’s biomedical research enterprise, and in turn clinical medicine, which the nation needs now more than ever.

Spring Faculty meeting explores VUMC’s future course

The financial reorganization and separation of Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center into separate nonprofit entities remains on schedule to occur in early 2016.

School of Medicine graduates embrace future challenges

Bonnie Miller, M.D., senior associate dean for Health Affairs at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, offered some sound advice to the class of 2015 during last week’s commencement ceremony.

Faculty teaching, research award winners announced

The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Spring Faculty Meeting will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 19, in 208 Light Hall.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Experts to discuss EPA’s Clean Power Plan May 18-19 at Vanderbilt

An in-depth exploration of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plan to significantly reduce carbon emissions from power plants is the topic of a two-day conference being held May 18-19 at Vanderbilt University Law School.

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