stem cell

Structure of a stem cell niche

Understanding the specialized environment where stem cells reside is important for developing stem-cell based regenerative therapies.

Copper toxicity and Parkinson’s

A genetic predisposition to Parkinson’s disease makes neurons more vulnerable to the toxicity of heavy metals such as copper.

Breast tissue growth protein may promote cancer: study

A protein essential for growth of normal breast tissue also may play a role in breast cancer, Vanderbilt University researchers have found.

Study links stem cell gene to prostate cancer susceptibility

A gene on chromosome 8 — in a region of the genome linked to risk for many types of cancer — is particularly associated with prostate cancer susceptibility, Vanderbilt University researchers have found.

Targeting post-transplant diabetes

Targeting diabetes that develops after a stem cell transplant may help moderate graft-vs.-host disease, an adverse effect of the procedure, and improve outcomes.

Young stem cells counter kidney aging

Young bone marrow cells alleviate aging-related kidney changes in mice.